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SurVision Magazine

An international online magazine that publishes Surrealist poetry in English.

Issue Six




Moses came struggling down the mountainside
Abraham came slouching down the mountainside
Zarathustra came pregnant down the mountainside
Krishna came on down too, blue, and playing the flute
Jesus came down, minus the devil and in a funk
Inari comes down the mountain, on eight legs, every year
Noah's boat got stuck up there, spilling animalia.
Enkidu came down, drained and knowing,
Zeus sent Hermes down, and the rivers come tricking down,
But the mountains themselves rise up.

Anthony Doyle is an Irish poet and translator living in São Paulo for over twenty years now. He was educated at UCD, and now works as a translator from Portuguese for many of Brazil's leading publishing houses. Apart from his translations, he has published a children's book, O Lago Secou, with Companhia das Letras.

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