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SurVision Magazine

An international online magazine that publishes Surrealist poetry in English.

Issue Fourteen



New Year, or ways of exploding yourself

When they forgot to water and tend to me,
I began to tug at my root.
It was deeper than I thought.
When I pulled myself out
they all fell down.
I set fire to my wick one day,
spattered myself across the sky
until all the birds flew away.
I boomed and echoed,
made the windows shake
to the beat of my pulse.
I waited on the plane
when everyone else rushed off,
locked myself in the bathroom
and flew back
to where I had come from
just to make sure
it was still there.
I played a trick on myself,
pretended to do magic
until I couldn't tell
whether I was pretending
or whether it was really magic.
I played hide and seek
and hid in a drawer.
There was no better feeling than hiding
until there was the feeling of being found.

Sarah Greenwood is a poet and translator from the Northwest of England who migrated to the Algarve, Portugal in 2006. Her poetry has been published in Amethyst Review, Ink, Sweat & Tears, and in the anthology Up the Duff (DragonYaffle, 2022).  Her debut translation of modern surrealist play The Door Closed and the House was Small by Ricardo Neves-Neves was published by Inti Press in 2023.

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