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SurVision Magazine

An international online magazine that publishes Surrealist poetry in English.

Issue Fourteen



The Power Drill

The power drill on the street is like brass tapping
against waxed cars,
mottled Tarmac singing
against the wind,
moths raging at the night.
It's like a piano lid humming to walls of cracked plaster,
it's as loud as turquoise on glass
and candle wax under a Cretan sun.
It's as rectangular as a Saturday market
brimming with hot fruit and day-silenced jars
of spices.
It shakes me like a heart in a cage,
like a bird trying to settle in my oak branch home.
The power drill on the street enters my clothes,
knits orange and blue
into seams.

Katy Mahon is a Northern Irish musician and poet brought up in London and living in York. Her poems have appeared in various Irish and English journals, most recently HOWL New Irish Writing, Poetry Birmingham Literary Review, The Honest Ulsterman, and The High Window. Her debut chapbook Some Indefinable Cord was published by Dreich in July 2022.

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